A brief synopsis of Genesis 4...

Cain killed Abel with a Rock
Cain knew what was expected of him. YAHUAH never leaves us without instruction. He wanted to do the work of YAHUAH his own way therefore being his own god. The very sin that his parents committed.
Because he couldn't go his own way and he saw the blessing that was on his brother due to his obedience he became enraged and killed him. Shatan hates everything righteous.
YAHUAH is merciful. He marked Cain in order that he would have a chance for redemption and not be killed. I believe this also guarded him from familiar spirits. Cain was a murderer. From what I hear of people who have killed something happens to a mans countenance, or mind when a person kills even an animal.
Cain had to know that YAHUAH was/is the only ELOHIM. He asked for mercy!
Let me go back... YAHUAH also gave Cain another chance, he said if you do well, I will restore your countenance. But he didn't want to repent!
The sins of the Father visit the children. Especially if they refuse to repent and then teach the children to submit their will to YAHUAH