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"What if they ask me, 'what is His Name?' (see Ex. 3:13) Dig this: "LORD" is the definition of the Hebrew word "BEL" (Hebrew spelling beth-ayin-lamed). Look at the word #1168 in Strong's Concordance: Those who teach us have led us into confusion. If pastors would read the preface of the translation they teach their audiences from, they should be outraged that it reveals the Name was replaced by a device, "LORD." The word LORD is not the Name, and it is found more than any other word in the translations. The tampering is obvious, yet they will continue on as if nothing happened, until they see the crowds stop coming. More people know the name Harry Potter than know the Name Yahusha - but very soon all the world will know Who He is, Yahusha, the Name above all other names. (See Acts 4:12, YashaYahu 42:8)."

-Lew White


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