James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Today many things are deemed religious. I think its important to define what RELIGION is, and what RELIGION is accepted by YAHUAH (GOD). If your religion is not pure and undefiled before YAHUAH (GOD), ABBA (Father) it isn't accepted. Many Believers have aligned themselves with different religious doctrines and denominations that are everything but what is mentioned in the scriptures. We must keep our faith connected to what the original purpose of YAHUAH's religion is all about. No matter how you identify yourself, or what religion you are a part of remember that in Hamashiach (Messiah) you belong to a royal priesthood, and are a peculiar people who have been set apart for GOD's own purpose to have dominion, be fruitful, and multiply the will of the Father on Earth as it is in Heaven! I'm praying for you, that your faith be strengthened, and that you cast your cares on the YAHUSHA for He cares for you!
Prophet Brandon