What does your BETTER look like? In our society, in our churches there is a desire to live better, look better, and be better. But if we take a moment and pause in order to BE BETTER and experience BETTER there are some prerequisites to attaining BETTER. There is a perserverance that is required. There may be some relationships that you have to let go. Just as Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his promised son. We find in scripture that an Angel showed up before Abraham went through with it. It was at this moment that Abraham knew that he loved God more than anything. Do you know that you love God more than anything? Your BETTER might be a divorce, a foreclosure, a vehicle reposession, losing friends and loved ones. I challenge you to find your purpose in Christ. When Christ was on this earth he had to leave his natural family. They wouldn't partner with Yeshua and assist him on His mission. Remeber Jesus left his family. And in Luke 8:21 says, "But He answered and said to them, "My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it." In other words it sounded like Yeshua was disowning his family. But he wasn't. When you discover your purpose then you will find your BETTER. At that moment you will be in His perfect will with every decision you make, and transforming of your mind to ONLY want to please God through obedience. This is how we join the Kingdom of God, and are made whole through the power of His righteousness after we have received of His Salvation (Romans 10:8-10). I just want to encourage you that whatever your BETTER is that you stay focused and not be so consumed of this world that you forget that Elohim's desire and plan for us is that yes we shall surely have tribulation but it is HIS power that delivers us from all affliction. So whatever process you have to go through. Allow Christ to carry you through it. Know that if you obey God's word, and love Him, believe in your heart, and don't doubt (repenting when you sin) that HIS grace and mercy will cover you. I want to encourage you to cast you cares on Christ for He cares for you. Send me your prayer request, and I will take them before the LORD as always. Keep me in your prayers as I continue to move forward in service to the people fulfilling the Great Commission of making Disciples, and Being a Disciple.
Until Next Time,
Prophet Brandon