We have been in the process of moving from Atlanta, to Fort Lewis Washington. Its been an excellent time. I was blessed to find out that I made the Sergeant First Class list. Promotion comes from the LORD as we know! I have continued to study and pray and connect with people all around the world as the ministry grows. Please keep us in your prayers! Also let us pray together for those affected by flooding in Texas due to Hurricane Harvey, those displaced in the Middle East due to war and terrorism, the fight against cholera in Yemen and other places, and the division in America. There is so much to pray about! Let us keep our hearts, ears, minds, bodies, and resources attentive to YAHWEH and what we should do. The scripture theme for this post would be Ecclesiastes 3. ABBA has appointed a time for everything. Part of the ministry iBelieve Temple is about discerning the time. Remember its in Yashua that we live, and move and have our being! Ask the LORD today what time it is in your life. Is it time to end some relationships and begin some new ones? Is it time to move? Time to apply for another job? Is it time to really dedicate yourself to study as Timothy discussed? What is ABBA telling you in this time?